What a special Occasion!! I'm talking about the amazing day we had on Sunday the 21st of July.. A day that will we will cherish forever as a family. Not only that, I will personally cherish this day and the magical moments I celebrated as a father on that day. Our son Cumoram, our first born, our big boy, had his Baptism. He is now 8 years old after his Birthday in February and has been waiting anxiously to be baptized ever since. We have held off for a while as we were waiting for a time when all the family could be together to celebrate with him and with us, and this weekend proved to be the perfect opportunity.
In the past few months, Guy Jackson and I have been teaching Cumoram from 'Preach my Gospel' to prepare him for his Baptism, and we have seen him grow and become ready.
In the lead up to the day, we made invitations to our friends and family and also to Cumoram's friends and family to come along. The Chapel was packed with around 120 people attending the Baptism, it was an amazing turnout. We had all the family, and many of our non member friends, plus many of our favourite old friends and their families attend, plus our ward really got behind us too. I had spent many an hour designing a personal Baptism book for Cumoram to present to him for his Baptism, and left spaces for people to write in it.
The day was a little hectic, we left early that morning for Church, with Cumorams friend and neighbour Brady coming along with us. We tried saving seats as we expected family to join us, and several of them did. After sacrament meeting I assisted Mesha with Primary as again she had teachers missing. I helped her by presenting music time and sharing time, and we had a great time with the kids. We had a practice of the song "If the Saviour stood beside me", which they would sing during the Baptism.
After Church finished, we made sure the font was filled and that there was enough programs to hand around. Then just before the service was to start we got the news that some of the family was running late. That was ok, we could wait a little, as Cumoram had also seemed to disappear. He and his cousin Elai had a disagreement about who was using the iPad and Cumoram went into hiding for a sulk. We just could not find him at all. A search party of concerned family and friends began scouting the chapel, while the rest of the people patiently waited in the chapel for the Baptism to start. I drove down the road thinking he might have gone for a walk to cool off, but he was no where to be found. On returning to the chapel I was notified that Cumoram had been found and was still a little upset. When I found Cumoram, he was with Uncle Tim who had a down a good job to calm him down. After a few little chats and helping him wipe away his tears, Cumoram and I got changed into our white clothes and got ready for the Baptism. We had a little family photo together, but you could still see the tears in his eyes. We began the Baptism service and I could really feel the spirit present in the chapel. Everyone who had waited so patiently sang so beautifully and the prayers and talks really helped set the mood. Cumoram was now starting to really become comfortable and relaxed and forget the little iPad incident. Aunty Candice spoke on Baptism and the Gift of the Holy Ghost and share a little example with a shoebox about how the Holy Ghost will guide. In her illustrative example she placed a milky way and a mousetrap in a shoebox and ask Cumoram if he would be comfortable in placing his hand in with the lid closed to reach for the milky way. He said no, and she invited him to ask someone he loved and trusted to look and tell him which side was the safe side to reach in. He asked me and I gave him the correct information, but then he laughed and thought it was a joke, as did the whole congregation, so for safe backup he asked Mesha to verify the information. After the wonderful talks we moved into the baptismal font, but before going in, Cumoram and I had a special little moment in the bathroom. I told him that I loved him very much and was so proud of what he had chosen to do. The spirit touched both our hearts and there were tears of joy in both our eyes. We hugged and embraced and then I led him to the font. The water was warm and the room was full. I took my time thinking clearly and carefully about this sacred ordinance. I felt so overwhelmingly proud to be Baptising my boy, and so proud of the decision he made, and the amazing life he has led so far. Tears again came to my eyes as the Holy Spirit descended upon us. I knew right there and then, that while we performed that ordinance in the Lords house and in front of his priesthood bearing witnesses and our family and friends that the Lord Jesus Christ nodded and approved this righteous decision and opened his arms of love toward us. I also knew that our Heavenly Father watched proudly and sent the Holy Ghost to testify to each of us there of the wonderful blessings he would pour out on Cumoram and to us all if we followed his Son and our Saviour.
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