Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Over the last few weeks I have assisted the Missionaries teach a young guy named AJ (Ambrose Junior) Mcgill. The other night I went around with the Elders to speak with his mother about allowing him to be baptized. She does want him to, but they have been fighting for quite some time and she wants him to show her more respect before she allows him to be baptized. he is 17 and a really good kid. I guess all cultures are different in how they view respect and in this case his mother Elizabeth is very strict according to european society(australian that is). During the meet, I felt like i was back as a missionary as I spoke with and taught Elizabeth and AJ. And then came resolving the concern. Well you couldn't help feeling the spirit there that night. What I thought would be a 20 min visit turned into 2 hours and by the end of it we were all in tears. Hearst had been softened, peace had been spoken and a loving mother had given her blessing to her firstborn son to be baptized. The holy spirit was so present and touched each of our hearts with great joy and peace. i will never forget this sacred experience. Later that week AJ was baptized. I had been asked to do it and was happy to do so, but I felt that Elder Takuira who had been there involved in the entire process and was going home from his mission the day after the baptism should be the one to do it. It was a beautiful experience with so many of our ward attending. I bore my testimony at the baptism and again felt the spirits witness again so unbelievably strong. What an great occasion. some images from the refreshments after the baptism, and a couple of our ward kids, Bishop armitages daughter Haydee, Sussie Chey's daughter Sara from Libyria and the Sheppards happily vacumning together they are so chirppy. Jairom got hold of and icecream and went to town on it, he is so funny, and of course Cumoram doing what he does after church finds a tree to climb the little monkey

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