Saturday, 29 June 2013

My Faithful son Cumoram

Today was an interesting story. Our oldest son Cumoram who is 8 was faced with a tough decision. He is a pretty good footy player and is having a great season with his new club Darlington. He plays there with his cousin Malachi and his 2 church friends Kalan Brown & Kobi Ogg. Today he really felt the pressure from his Auskick coach, his cousin and his Uncle to play in a special Gala day at Bassendeen oval. Normally he declines these things as we attend Church and worship our Savior on the Sabbath. We did however give him his own choice in the matter. Today he felt pressured into saying yes to play, and was willing to catch a ride with his uncle to the game and skip church. I explained he could do this as it was his choice, but also emphasized that we didn't agree.
I could see him wrestle with the whole thing. After initially saying yes, we had several conversations about it all. When we got home we both sat down on my bed and talked about it personally. He was not feeling right about it and so we went through how he was feeling. He said he felt weird and began to cry. As he expressed his feelings I began to remember how I felt as a kid going through the same struggle. Cumoram explained to me that he felt he was letting his cousin, Uncle, coach and team down by saying no, but when he said yes he felt like he was letting his Heavenly father down, and felt it wasn't the right thing, and that is why he felt uncomfortable. My wonderful boy changed his mind and decided to stay at church and choose the right. I hugged him and told him I was a proud father and loved him dearly. I could see he was more at ease now with his decision, but probably felt a little sorry for originally thinking the other way. We spent the afternoon together, went out to the shops, got ourselves a little treat and then came home to play with his siblings. During that time I could see his countenance glowing and the hollow feeling he felt about letting everyone down disappeared. That evening we watched the rugby, worked on a video project together that will help his sister with some school stuff.
I'm super proud of my boy. I believe one day he will be a successful sports person or athlete, as he excels in footy, basketball and almost anything he puts his hand to. Because of his faith and ethics he will get there, and will pave the way with his righteous decisions. Maybe one day he will have to play on the sabbath because it will be a profession of his, but I know he is making the right decisions today and he will be blessed for those. And even if he doesn't make professional athlete ranks I will always be proud of the amazing person he is and the wonderful things he accomplishes.

Anger issues resurfaced

I've had a couple of really tough weeks. Unfortunately I have brought it on myself. I was involved in an incident and threw some wild swings, knocking a guy out. It was pretty nasty and I had no self control. I think I broke his ribs, and split is eye and cheek open. I am very sorry for my actions. I have tried apologizing to him for my actions, and have sought out some counseling to help deal with the inner issues. I have stopped playing sport for the time being, and have also been suspended from basketball for 324 weeks. I am waiting to be charged, and will also have to kive with those consequences as well as the shame and guilt for the pain I caused this man, and the example I set to my brother and nephew who were there. It has been cutting me up a bit and I am trying to fix the issue and also get myself right. I still have lots of work to go.